Computer Science Lab Notebook

Unit1: Build a Lab Notebook

Install Tools. Design lab notebook. Learn GitHub Pages. Work with Pair (pair name).

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
0 - Daily Plan
- Tool Procedure ...
- Sample IPYNB w/ html,img
- Learned things
1 - Daily Plan
- Sample IPYNB w/ table,code
- Quiz
- emoji
- emoji
- Learned things
- Review Ticket
2 - Daily Plan
- Calculator MD
- Game of Life
- Snake
- Pacman
- Food Rankings!
- Calculator IPYNB
- Learned things
3 - Quiz
- Number Game
- Learned things

Unit2: Learn Language

Learn (JavaScript|Python|Java). Start Agile development process.

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
4 - Data Abstraction
- algorithms
- Weekly reflection
5 - Iteration
- Boolean If
- Pashion project
- Psudo code
- Weekly reflection
6 - Baics Home
- Developing Algorithms
- Weekly reflection
- What was learned during the pashion project
7 - Pashion project
- Team Teach Developing Procedures
- Pashion project
- Test corrections
- Libraries
- Simulations TT
- Weekly reflection
- Reflection